Calls for funding
No open calls right now
NOS-HS Exploratory Workshop calls and NOS-HS Project Grant calls will not be announced in 2023 and 2024.
Below is an overview of previous calls.
Previous calls for proposals
NOS-HS Project grants 2022
NOS-HS Project grants
A new call for early-career researchers within the Humanities and Social Sciences is now open. Available budget is NOK 45 million and the call deadline is 15 November 2022.
This call is an open call for bottom-up curiosity-driven research within the humanities and social sciences.
The call aims to provide an opportunity for early-career researchers (2-7 years) to build Nordic networks, and to promote Nordic added value in research.
Read the full call text and apply here:
NOS-HS Project Grants
NOS-HS Workshop grants, spring 2022
NOS-HS Workshop grants
NOS-HS supports explorative workshop series, consisting of two to three workshops held in the Nordic countries.
The aim is to promote the development of new research areas and programmes within the humanities and social sciences in the Nordic countries.
The series of workshops must have a strong research focus and involve collaboration between researchers from different Nordic countries. NOS-HS funds proposals which aim at establishing new ambitious research projects and networks and at preparation of research proposals to international research programmes. NOS-HS encourages the applicants to involve early stage researchers and non-academic stakeholders in the workshops.
The main features of the workshops are face-to-face meetings, creating and strengthening new connections and exploring ideas together. If travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic persist, interactive online workshops or hybrid forms of workshops are encouraged.
New call for proposals
The Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (NOS-HS) invites proposals for funding covering a series of Nordic exploratory workshops. The aim of the grant is to promote research collaboration and support the development of new research areas and programmes within the humanities and social sciences in the Nordic countries. The budget allocated for the call is approximately MNOK 14 for a period of 2 years (2023-2024). The grant amount is minimum NOK 290 000 and maximum 430 000 for a period of 2 years.
Call deadline: 28.04.202
Read the full call text and apply here:
NOS-HS Exploratory workshop call 2022
NOS-HS Exploratory workshop call 2021
The call is open 9 February – 31 March 2021 closing 16.15 Finnish time (CEST+01.00).
You will need the following documents to prepare a successful application:
Call for applications:
Supplement to appendix 2, NOS-HS workshop budget proposal:
NOP-HS Scientific journal grant
The NOP-HS Scientific Journal Grant funding to individual journals will end in 2023 when the last payments to current grant holders end. In their meeting on 6 December 2022, the NOS-HS Committee decided not to announce new funding schemes for journal publication.